Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Ebola (2) : 1st day in the office

It was my first day in the office and I was nervous not only because of this, but also because I had to shake hands with everybody in the building. And if someone has sweat and hot hands again?

Refusing to shake hands in Africa is something unthinkable, at least among the majority of people (except for the fundamentalist Muslims, who does not allow themself to touch any women). I could not introduce myself to people without shaking hands!!

I had to shake hands. So, I entered the office with the resolution of washing my hands as often as I could.

Luckily, when I open my email I had a message from a friend with a link to a short (15 min) Ebola prevention and awareness campaign (french/english). Watching the short presentation did bring me some peacefulness. Washing my hands over and over was, indeed, some of the best way to prevent any sort of contamination.

Entering my office I also had another beautiful sight. On top of each table there was a bottle of hand sanitizer. Now, it is just a matter of people using it!!

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